Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Syllogisms, Modos Ponens, Modos Tollens

Syllogisms, modos ponens, and modus tollens are all terms in deductive reasoning. Two of them are similar and one of them is completely different The first, syllogisms, was creatd by aristotle and has three parts two it, where their are usually two terms per part. Each part goes in this order following the transitive property A=B,B=C,A=C. Next is the modos ponen,which like its counterpart modos tollen, do not have to be relevent events, as seen in this example of "if p, then q; p, therefore q" : "If Iran has WMD, then we invade India; Iran has WMD, therefore we invade Inida." On the other hand, modos tollen differs slightly in the outcome of the equation. The equation goes like this "If P, Then Q; Note Q, therefor not P"

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