Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The idea of creation and evolution has been tossed between priests and scientists, for some time now. One side, the religious side, believes that one almigty being, God, created everything and that everything has come from him. However, countless scientists believe in theories such as the big bang theory, saying that something came from nothing due to some ginormous explosion of gas particles and what not. This theory opposes the theory set up by the story of genises, where god puts the world together in his own manner. Intelligent design would take the middle ground between these two radical sides. with the combination of both science and religion, the worlds creation is easily eplivable with logic and what not. As a result, i feel that this is a better philosophy in a sense because we arent being ignorant of either side of us. The faithful side which needs ot believe in something and the logical side which can see the bullshit and the right stuff in several cases. So i like this middle ground, because it makes life easier, right Mr. B, im a fucken sophist ahahahah. :]

Galileos Daughter Was One Helpful Trick

Galileo was a great man with his discoviries and what not, we all know that. However, he would never been able to do anything it his daughter who was a nun, didnt help him in any way she could. First of all, while Galileo was beginning observations on the sun andits sunspots, his daughter was always taking care of him. she made him food, made his medicine and cured him with her ailments that she discovered herself. In addition, once Galileo finished his observations and created the dialogue, he planned to have it published. While working on the finishing tocuhes of his book, he would send pieces to his daughter. When the pieces of the book would return to him, they would be edited and ready to be published. This uneducated nun helped put the dialogue together and it was her who made it possible to be published. Also, near the end of Galileos life, where he was sentenced to house arrest and prayers to god and what not. His daughter did all the prayers for him and shared his punishment, his daughter did everything she could to make her dads life easier, what a helpful ass trick rite? ahahahahhaha

Aquinas is a GENIUS, SIOKE! ahaha

St. Thomas Aquinas, was a dominican priest who made five ways form logic to prove the existence of god. However, i only think that one way really is legitamate and does not really contradict itself enough to prove his point. The third way, was the most legitamate way to prove god's existence and role in my belief. It explains how there are two types of beings. One of them being necessary being, who cause everything, and the other being contingent beings, who are the result of the necessary beigns and cant live without them. By the mere definition, we learn how this is his most legit way. Without god, there cant be any people and what not. As a result, we need him and he is essential to the world because he is our creator and without him we are nothing. In addition, their is no contradiction put into the argument, just a straight up that god is neccesar to us, this is the least flawed way in my opinion. Not only because it is straight forward, but it can relate to other things also. For example, in sports necessary things would be equipment and a person, and the contingent would be a ref or a stadium. This is Aquinas's best way forsure.

St. Augustine resembled in the Gothic Style

St. Augustine connects to Gothic architecture through the main concept of light. First of all, St. Augustine began his life in darkness or in a very sinful way. He was always addicted to the thrill of sin beginning, with his fetish for stealing things just to steal. As he got older, the darkness or sin continued, however, in his older years sin took its form in adultery which Augustine just loved to commit. He would basically bang any good looking woman. From here, Augustine would break into the light through a sect of christianity called manicheanism, which he took the thought of light being in your soul and you had to do good to access it. From here on in, all his actions led to the creation of the portal for the light to enter his soul. The same case is set up for the Gothic architecture. The romanesque style which was its predecessor made the church very dark and dim. As a result, to let more light in, or god light in, the style was changed to gothic. The gothic style consists of pointy arches and LARGE clerestory windows which allow great amounts of light to enter the church. In addition, the light would display many colors representing the light of god. In both cases, light has come in representing god or the christian religion, and has always been the main focal point for change.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fallacies for the fallen

In hitlers book mein kahmp, we find many fallacies in his claims made in chapter 11.

  • In the opening statements of chapter 11, hitler is telling us that people can't see what is obviously in front of us. In addition, he is implying that he is better than us the man and the poeple in general. He is saying that we are blind to see what is right before our eyes, which allows him to say that he is better than us, ultimately stating that he is above the man. This is calle d an Ad Hominen.
  • Another big fallacy is seen in his assumption of the arian race being selected as the top race. Through Faluty Use of Authority, he tries to prove that mother nature intended the world ot be ruled by the arian race. Therefore, he is referring to a racist god that wants a corrupt worldfull of hate.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Affirmative Action

Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. This quote has always been used through out TV shows and what not to get people to try their hardest and do well in society. However, most people wouldnt recognize this as the very definition of affirmitive action. Where one person is not judged by the color of their skin or where the came from, rather on the physical attributes and mental tenacity that they can bring to the table. Like we discussed in class the other day, most people believe black people should be presented this oppurtunity to get a college education because they dont have the same chances that other people have. In addition, and another argument was made why cant they just work as hard as some of the asian immigrants that come ehre having to learn english and what not. Both cases, follow a sort of racial stereotype that we in the modern world are beginning to look past. Beginning with teh inauguration and election of our new president barrack obama. This is truly the symbol of change and the notion that affirmitave action is working, and that we shouldnt weigh ourselves down or allow other to do the same with the color of our skin or where we came from.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Syllogisms, Modos Ponens, Modos Tollens

Syllogisms, modos ponens, and modus tollens are all terms in deductive reasoning. Two of them are similar and one of them is completely different The first, syllogisms, was creatd by aristotle and has three parts two it, where their are usually two terms per part. Each part goes in this order following the transitive property A=B,B=C,A=C. Next is the modos ponen,which like its counterpart modos tollen, do not have to be relevent events, as seen in this example of "if p, then q; p, therefore q" : "If Iran has WMD, then we invade India; Iran has WMD, therefore we invade Inida." On the other hand, modos tollen differs slightly in the outcome of the equation. The equation goes like this "If P, Then Q; Note Q, therefor not P"